First Post… Stop by and say hello!

At this point, I am almost done developing the foundations of my blog. I am very excited to see this blog flourish and engage a variety of minds. Creating this blog has been quite the experience; frustrations about little things and huge smiles after small victories against design glitches. This has been a rewarding experience and I would highly encourage others to undertake this task.

When I first started developing this blog, I was afraid of my skills and abilities to develop something nice. It looks like things paid off. I am quite happy with the outcome. I must say the first clicks were a bit intimidating, but once I got a hold of things it seemed like a smooth process. Two things I learned along the way were to be patient and to not be afraid to fail. Everyone can use a bit more patience and everyone experiences failure at some point. Please feel free to stop by and say hello and any feedback is always appreciated.

One Reply to “First Post… Stop by and say hello!”

  1. Jose

    I like that your header image is a video – definitely captures your interest as soon as you get to the sight. You have used some colorful, vivid imagery also which I personally appreciate. As time goes on, maybe some of those images could be changed to ones specifically related to your business idea. One recommendation I could make is to add tags to your blog (i.e. #entrepreneurship). Tags like that have the potential to bring more people to your page in the future. Also, it may be good to your specific courses as categories so it makes it easier for others to find specific posts. Nice start to your blog.

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