Interview with Matt Eames, President & CEO of Raleigh Marketing Consultants, Inc.

Earlier this evening, I had the opportunity interview Matt Eames from Raleigh Marketing Consultants, Inc. He is the President and CEO and leads a team of approximately 25 marketing and sales professionals. Raleigh Marketing Consultants is an outsourcing organization that provides marketing and sales services to large corporations.  We talked about outsourcing marketing efforts, business to business relationships, entrepreneurship lessons, and a lot more.  

Marketing Campaign Analysis: Outdoor Ads

1.- Without Teachers

By Teacher Appreciation Week (2017)

This outdoor ad was displayed during Teacher Appreciation Week in 2017. It is a simple ad thanking teachers for their work. Its appeal technique is humor by deliberately misspelling the word “dumb,” in the statement “Without teachers, we would all be dum.”     Continue reading “Marketing Campaign Analysis: Outdoor Ads”

Interview with Kristie VanAuken, Vice President of Stakeholder Engagement with The Research Triangle Park (RTP)

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Kristie VanAuken. She is the Vice President of Stakeholder Engagement with The Research Triangle Park (RTP) here in North Carolina. She is an experienced marketing professional with an extensive background in airport marketing. We discussed the importance of marketing, misconceptions, marketing strategy, marketing in the airport industry and a lot more. 

Marketing Campaign Analysis: Magazine Ads

1.- Print Isn’t Dead

By Migdal Insurance (2018)

This simple ad by Midgal Insurance stands out by only using a few words in a contrasting blue background. Migdal Insurance uses humor by joking about the state of the print industry stating, “Print Isn’t dead. It just retired.” Then, the ad draws a connection between retirement and having the right insurance behind you. Continue reading “Marketing Campaign Analysis: Magazine Ads”

Marketing Campaign Analysis: Newsprint Ads

1.- $1.25

By Stella Artois (2007)

This Stella Artois newsprint ad mimics a sale coupon; however, the ad actually states that with this coupon you will pay an extra $1.25 on your next beer purchase. The ad takes a humoristic stand by imitating a sale that is actually not a sale. Jokes aside, the ad reflects all the necessary items to include within a sale coupon.   Continue reading “Marketing Campaign Analysis: Newsprint Ads”